Germany only
Capping: Weekly caps to be determined by advertiser each week.
Production weeks are Friday to Thursday.
Display, mobile, social, search, native, contextual, pop, text, interstitial, push, toolbar, extension.
Germany only
Capping: Weekly caps to be determined by advertiser each week.
Production weeks are Friday to Thursday.
Types not allowed and therefore must be excluded: Email, incent, forced sign ups, cashback, content locking, geo redirect, offer walls, reward or loyalty programs, SMS, MMS, iframe, Co-sponsoring, Co-Registration, Exit traffic, smart-link traffic nor the re-brokering to affiliate networks (Affiliate may not be an affiliate network).
Vertical: Sweepstake - Multimedia-Tablet-Telephone
Allowed Media Types:Contextual,Direct, Display,Interstitial, Media Buying,Native,Network,PopUp,Push,Redirect,Search,Social,ToolBar