RetroStage® | Vintage Style Clothing - Save 15% (Rev-Share) | FR DE US

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Offer Name: RetroStage® | Vintage Style Clothing - Save 15% (Rev-Share) | FR DE US
Payout: 10.25% / Revenue Share
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Daily Deals & Coupons / Fashion (Clothing & Apparel) / Miscellaneous
Network: PointClickTrack
Last Updated: Feb 17, 2025
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RetroStage® | Vintage Style Clothing - Save 15% (Rev-Share) | FR DE US
We are a group of fashion lovers who are fond of retro styles, especially the trends in the 1920s, 1950s. We are eager to establish a theatre called "RETRO STAGE". We invite you to join us in this elegant and mysterious performance. In this theatre, plays under the themes of "The Golden Twenties" and "The New Look" continue to be performed. Our clothes express the value of retro aesthetics with unique tailoring and classic style design. Our inspiration comes from the splendideras of the 20th century, inspired by those great classic movies, such as The Great Gatsby, The Miller’s Beautiful Wife, Sabrina, Joy House, High Society, Funny Face, etc. We design retro style clothes for our customers. We believe that our selections will not only make our customers stand out in the crowd at parties and events, but also stylish in daily life. Whether you became a flapper adorned with tassels and sparkles in the 1920s, or a gorgeous lady depicted in colour in the 1950s, you were the magical and memorable protagonist. Beyond the retro design concept, we hope to reveal the vitality of clothing, as well as women's self-understanding and pursuit of beauty. Use our Exclusive code: AFF15--- To Save 15% OFF Sitewide on your first order over $49.99 Other promotion codes: BF10: 10% off over one item BF15: 15% off over two items BF20: 20% off over three items.


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