Top Local Roofs

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Top Local Roofs
Payout: $15.00 / CPA
Preview: No Preview Available
Categories: Roofing
Network: ProfitsNXT
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2024
Countries: US
Run Offer
Generate high quality leads from Homeowners looking for roof installation and/or repair. Target Audience: Homeowners GEO: US Only (See Zip Code list for target market area ) *To maximize your promotional activities and optimize your earnings we recommend you update the zip codes at least weekly. Conversion: on Qualified Lead. Lead information must be valid and have correct information, pass quality checks, and cannot be a duplicate. Return Lead policy:If lead is rejected by our system or returned by contractor the lead will be reversed. Custom Creatives require approval prior to going live. Any conversions without prior approval will not be paid. Services promoted in ads must match the services on the landing page. Restrictions: No Coupon, No Incent, No Adult traffic, No Autosubscription, No Bot traffic, No Content Locking, No Coreg, No Fraud/Fakes/Duplicates, No iFrame, No Misleading, No Network Syndication, No Spam, No Brand Impersonation, Fake/false celebrity ads/endorsements are strictly prohibited


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