Duston Gel is a gel that can quickly relieve pain caused by diseases such as arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Eliminates muscle spasms and inflammation. It is also effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis and arthrosis, as it slows down the process of cartilage degeneration and enhances its metabolism, promoting the restoration of articular cartilage. The positive effect is noticeable immediately after the first application. With regular use, joint and spine diseases stop progressing. Active ingredients: soybean oil, corn oil, urea, camphor, sponge extract, carbomer, carrageenan, fir oil extract, callisia extract, cayenne pepper oil, eucalyptus oil, rosemary essential oil, ginger essential oil, cinnamon essential oil.
NO local celebrities in creatives (landings, pre-landings and banners)
DO NOT mention Dr. Claudio Aldunate in your ads.
It is prohibited:
- assigning properties not related to the product;
- mentioning recovery from a serious condition;
- promising a quick improvement in health;
- using words such as "treats, treats", "medicine", "cure", etc.
- any mention of medical professionals, medical institutions, patients and their comments is prohibited;
- images of people similar to a medical professional;
- statements that discredit traditional medicine and allopathic drugs;
- guarantee the effect
- guarantee the absence of side effects
Deepfakes and other artificial intelligence features that help create fake videos or photos with celebrities are prohibited. The use of fake certificates, awards, licenses "related to" government agencies is prohibited (the use of some fake private companies is allowed). The use of seals, heraldry, etc. is under restrictions. Violation of the rules will result in a pub ban or even more severe punishment.
Before pouring traffic, contact your personal manager and clarify the relevance of the offer, the relevance of payments. If you have already poured traffic but more than a week has passed since the last lead was received, you also need to clarify whether this particular Geo works.