Offer Details: | |
Offer Name: | Aldi (DE) (CPL) (Personal Approval) |
Payout: | €2.80 / fixed |
Preview: | Preview Landing Page |
Categories: | CPL offers / Coupons/Gift Cards/Prizes / Desktop |
Network: | AdsMain |
Last Updated: | Sep 17, 2024 |
Countries: | DE |
Description: Aldi
Requirements: Single Opt-in (SOI)
Allowed Methods of Promotion:
Adult traffic
Social Media
Push notifications
Ilegal traffic
Incent traffic
SMS marketing
Cash Incentivised
Email Marketing
Instant Winner, suggesting the user has won a potential prize is not allowed
The use of brand names and logos is forbidden
All custom creatives/banners should be approved by the advertiser before going online
Misleading texts that give false sense of urgency, fear and false winning promises are not allowed
Target Audience: works best for 25-60 years old users