Veniselle - BO

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Veniselle - BO
Payout: $7.00 / cpa
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Varicose / Health
Network: AdCombo
Last Updated: Sep 19, 2024
Countries: BO
Run Offer
Veniselle - BO

Veniselle is a varicose cream. It helps to reduce symptoms and can be a preventive measure.  Active ingredients: Extracto de castaño de Indias, Extracto de flor de manzanilla, Extracto de ortiga, Extracto de pimiento rojo, Extracto de ajenjo. NO local celebrities on creatives (landings, prelandings and banners)

Preferable target cities:

Santa Cruz
La Paz 


Non-preferable target cities:

El Alto


No Traffic here please:

Cobija (department Pando - out of delivery)



Available delivery zones

It is forbidden to mention Claudio Aldunate, give references or use his photos

Every Landing Page promoting food supplements must contain the next footnotes:

*This Advertorial is based on fiction and any similarity to real people, places, or events are purely coincidental.

*The product advertised is a dietary supplement. Dietary supplements are products intended to supplement the diet. They are not medicines and are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure diseases. It is prohibited:

- attributing properties that are not related to the product;

- mention recovery from a serious condition;

- promise rapid health improvement;

- using words like 'heals, heals', 'medicine', 'drug', etc.

- any kind of mentioning medical/health workers, medical facilities, government authorities, patients, and their comments is prohibited;

- the images of people who might resemble a medical worker;

- the statements that denigrate traditional medicine and allopathic medicines;

- to guarantee an effect - to guarantee the absence of side effects

*Эта рекламная статья основана на вымысле, и любое сходство с реальными людьми, местами или событиями является чисто случайным.

*Рекламируемый продукт является пищевой добавкой. Пищевые добавки – это продукты, предназначенные для дополнения диеты. Они не являются лекарствами и не предназначены для лечения, диагностики, смягчения последствий, предотвращения или лечения заболеваний. Запрещено:

- присвоение свойств, не заявленных в продукте;

- говорить об избавлении от тяжелого состояния; - обещание быстрого улучшения здоровья;

- использование таких слов, как «исцеляет, «лечит», «лекарство», «лекарство» и т. д.

- любое упоминание медицинских работников, медицинских учреждений, государственных органов, пациентов и их комментарии;

- изображения людей, которые могут напоминать медицинского работника;

- заявления, порочащие традиционную медицину и аллопатические лекарства;

- гарантировать эффект

- гарантировать отсутствие побочных эффектов


Adcombo is a direct advertiser with its own factories, products, local call centers and warehouses, which allows to be more flexible in cooperation with partners and offer better conditions. CPA network entered the market in 2013 and was launched by experienced affiliates for affiliates. This means understanding the problems of affiliates and having all the tools for maximizing profits.

Advantages of AdCombo Affiliate Network:

  • 5000+ offers and 200+ GEOs with COD, SS, and Trial flow
  • Highest Payouts on Offers even on Test
  • Convenient In-house Platform with the Most Useful Features (API, Postback, Domain Parking, etc.).
  • Detailed Real-Time Statistics: No Lead will be Missed!
  • 100 Beauty and Health Niches
  • Ready-to-use Local Landing Pages and Creatives
  • Accept Any Type of Traffic (Social, SEO, Push, Email, Banners, etc.)
  • Trusted by over 100k partners
  • Professional Support of Experienced Managers

Entrust your campaigns to an experienced team and CPA market leaders – access thousands of exclusive offers and the best conditions!

Network Details

  • Minimum Payout $50
  • Commmission type CPA / CPL / CPS
  • Frequency Twice a Week
  • Payment method Wire / PayPal / Payoneer / WebMoney / Capitalist / Paxum / USDT (TRON)
  • Network Platform: In-House Platform
  • Email [email protected]