iPhone 15 Pro (US) (CPL) (Personal Approval)

Offer Details:

Offer Name: iPhone 15 Pro (US) (CPL) (Personal Approval)
Payout: €19.20 / fixed
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: CC Submit / CPL offers / Coupons/Gift Cards/Prizes
Network: AdsMain
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2024
Countries: US
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iPhone 15 Pro (US) (CPL) (Personal Approval)

Description: iPhone 15 Pro

Requirements: CC SUBMIT

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Email, Display, Social

Restrictions: Fraud will not be paid. Adver cannot pass the FB pixel macro. Strictly prohibited to use any kind of fraudulent activities, incentive and bot traffic

You need to provide an email proof or placement before you start running the offer



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