Spinny.com Used Car Demand CPL - India

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Spinny.com Used Car Demand CPL - India
Payout: ₹0.00 / cpl
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: auto
Network: vCommission
Last Updated: Sep 18, 2024
Countries: IN
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Spinny.com Used Car Demand CPL - India

Name: Spinny.com Used Car Demand CPL - India


Operating System: 
Windows, MacOS


Conversion Type: 

Vertical: Lead Gen


Spinny is a new age used car end-to-end platform in India

Conversion Flow:
* User clicks on the tracking URL.
* User fills in the car details.
* User fills in personal details.
* User verifies the code send on mobile
* User Select the Date & Time.
* Tracked on client CRM & report will be imported in every 24 hours
* Payment will be made only for conversions meeting KPI.

Tracking Information:
Frequency - Offline
Cookie Duration - 30 Days
Web - Available
Mobile Web - Available
On Page Verification: Mobile OTP
Report Frequency: Twice a week
Validation Period: 30 days

Promotion Methods:
Content - Not Allowed
Coupon - Not Allowed
Cashback - Not Allowed
Mobile App - Not Allowed
Email - Allowed
SMS - Allowed
Telegram - Not Allowed
Influencer - Not Allowed
Software - Not Allowed
Media Buying : Search - Not Allowed
Media Buying : Social - Not Allowed
Media Buying : Native - Not Allowed
Media Buying : Display - Allowed
Sub-Network - Allowed
Pop - Not Allowed
Push - Not Allowed
Video - Not Allowed
Reseller - Not Allowed
Incent - Not Allowed
Smartlink - Not Available
SUB1: Lead ID

Payout Slab: 
Below slab wise

Rate per PurchaseRate per Test driveKPI (Test drive to Purchase)

Detailed KPI:
1. Benchmarks to be followed to evaluate the performance on a biweekly basis:
* Lead to Test drive-8%
* Test drive to token-20%
* Lead to Purchase- 1.3%
2. Audience Targeting: 25 yrs-55 years, Disposable Income: 5 lacs or above
3. Behaviours: Interest in Used cars, 2nd hand cars and 4 wheelers
4. Targeting Cities: Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Lucknow, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Tier 2 - Chandigarh, Indore, Coimbatore, Lucknow, and Jaipur
5. Penalty: Brand Bidding - 1st Instance: Warning and Payout cut of 20%, 2nd Instance: Blacklisting of Affiliate partner
6. Affiliate calling customers on behalf of Spinny- 1st Instance - Blacklisting of Sub affiliate and Payout cut of 50%, 2nd Instance - 100% payout cut and Blacklisting of Affiliate partner
7. Reporting : We ensure to provide the real time report with you (there may be some lag) which can provide you the online + offline status, right from lead generation till car Test Drive stage. Also, the report will contain the calling status of each lead, which will also showcase the current stage of the lead
8. Media Objective - High Intent and High Quality Leads for Test Drives
9. Key Markets: any traffic or leads beyond the marked geographies will be non-billable
10. Measurement: Test Drives Completed and Deliveries
11. Other Considerations:
a. Emailers
b. SMS
c. App notifications
d. Google display
e. Missed call
12. Don’ts
a. SEM ads on Spinny’s brand kw’s on google/bing.
b. Facebook Ads
c. Native ads on platforms like Taboola, outbrain, mgid, adgebra, Times Native, Yahoo Native etc.
d. Churning the same leads to competition.
e. Cookie stuffing


vCommission is an Internation CPA Network based out of India. They work on high quality advertising and generating quality traffic for their affiliates. They have many effective marketing programs for their affiliates to choose from. They have over 300 offers running right now and this number is only expected to go up in the near future. Despite having so many offers, vCommission gives each affiliate a high level of attention ensuring that you have all the tools necessary to succeed in affiliate marketing.