Creditron CZ CPL

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Creditron CZ CPL
Payout: $6.60 / cpl
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Network: LeadBit
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2024
Countries: CZ
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Creditron CZ CPL

Creditron - online service offers its users a quick and convenient way to select a loan.

After registration, a convenient tool is available to the client allowing to quickly select a loan according to his/her requirements: amount, term, method of issuing funds, etc.

Client can send applications for money at any convenient time on a 24-hour basis seven days a week. Completion of an application form usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes. Service saves precious time and helps make the right choice.

  • Completion of the application form within 5 minutes
  • Large list of lending options
  • Useful tools

Allowed traffic types:

  • Banners
  • Teasers
  • Contextual advertising
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Email (non-spam)
  • SMS mailing (not spam)
  • Search Traffic (SEO)
  • Push Notifications


Prohibited traffic types:

  • Contextual brand advertising
  • Spam (email, SMS, instant messengers)
  • Adult 18+
  • Motivated (stimulating) traffic
  • Co-registrations / Self-registrations
  • Cashback
  • Clickunder / Popunder



Do not specify Creditron domain in any newsletters, use only shortened links or other redirects.

It is forbidden to use domains and subdomains with the brand (for example, or

Target Action: CPL (Completed Registration) 6 EUR


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- Stable and high payouts
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