Health Insurance CPL - India

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Health Insurance CPL - India
Payout: ₹70.00 / cpl
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: insurance
Network: vCommission
Last Updated: Sep 18, 2024
Countries: IN
Run Offer Health Insurance CPL - India

Name: Health Insurance CPL - India


Operating System: 
Windows, MacOS


Vertical: Lead Gen


Aditya Birla Health Insurance offers various kinds of health insurance suited for every phase of life

Conversion Flow:
* User clicks on the tracking URL
* User fills 4 fields form on the landing page.
* User confirms the OTP received by SMS
 User clicks on apply now button
Postback fires here
* Payment will be made only for conversions meeting KPI.

Tracking Information:
Frequency - Realtime
Cookie duration - 30 days
Web - Available
Mobile Web - Available
On Page Verification: Mobile OTP
Report Frequency: Once in a week
Validation Period: 30 Days

Promotion Methods:
Content - Allowed
Coupon - Not Allowed
Cashback - Not Allowed
Mobile App - Allowed
Email - Allowed
SMS - Allowed
Telegram - Not Allowed
Influencer - Not Allowed
Software - Not Allowed
Media Buying : Search - Not Allowed
Media Buying : Social - Allowed
Media Buying : Native - Allowed
Media Buying : Display - Allowed
Sub-Network - Allowed
Pop - Not Allowed
Push - Not Allowed
Video - Not Allowed
Reseller - Not Allowed
Incent - Not Allowed
Smartlink - Not Available
SUB1: Lead ID

Payout: Below slab wise w.e.f 5th July 2024

Lead-to-Policy SoldPayout
Above 5%350
2.50% to 5%245
1.00% to 2.49%175
0.50% to 0.99%70
Below 0.50%0

Detailed KPI:
1. Payout will be done on call verified workable leads only.
2. Audience Targeting: Male, Age 23 to 45 yrs & Salaried Professional
3. CPL will be calculated based on Workable lead to policy sale done conversion (slab wise).
4. No payout for duplicate, Non-workable, fraud & junk leads (we will use Mfilterit - fraud detection tool)
5. Please refer to the point to understand non-workable leads: Non workable leads consist of - null responses, blank call, wrong number, call back before presentation, customer busy before presentation, customer not connected, not interested before presentation, not eligible (non-serviceable location, not meeting age criteria)
6. Non workable leads should be below 40%.
7. The volume of leads should not exceed the budget cap.
8. Geo Targeting: Tier 1 & Tier 2 cities


vCommission is an Internation CPA Network based out of India. They work on high quality advertising and generating quality traffic for their affiliates. They have many effective marketing programs for their affiliates to choose from. They have over 300 offers running right now and this number is only expected to go up in the near future. Despite having so many offers, vCommission gives each affiliate a high level of attention ensuring that you have all the tools necessary to succeed in affiliate marketing.