Vertical: Ecommerce
Po: Revshare 70%
Media types allowed: Social Media (Facebook), Native, Instagram, Contextual, Review Site/Blog, Snapchat, TikTok, Email, Cashback services, Streaming, YouTube, Banner/Display, Social Media (other than Facebook)
Restricted media types: Coupon sites, Retargeting, Content lock, PPC/Search, Adware, Network, Push, Incentivized, Pop/Redirect, Other
Target demo: male,female ; 18+
Monarch Money primary purpose is to help you figure out how to budget your funds and create savings goals. In order to do that, it lets you connect your bank accounts, credit cards, investments, loans, and cryptocurrency accounts so you can automatically track each account simultaneously.
Conversion Flow: pixel fires once an order is placed and paid for. Orders track as events, are stored in pending until advertiser's approval and get updated when their status changes on advertiser's end. For payable events, conversions are created.
Cooking lifetime: 30 day
30 Day EPC: $40.49
CR: 6.48%
Geo: US
Restriction: Brand bidding, along with any misspellings and variations are not allowed! No pop/push/redirect, PPC/Search, Incentivized, Fraud, Adult, Adware.