Identity Essentials (No Weekend Drops) (US) (Trial) (Personal Approval)

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Identity Essentials (No Weekend Drops) (US) (Trial) (Personal Approval)
Payout: $21.00 / fixed
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Financial / Trial
Network: AdsMain
Last Updated: Sep 07, 2024
Countries: US
Run Offer
Identity Essentials (No Weekend Drops) (US) (Trial) (Personal Approval)

Description: Protect Your Identity! Our carefully selected suite of identity and credit-related services integrate the power of the most advanced business information resources to inform, protect, alert, and assist in the event of identity theft or credit reporting inaccuracies

Requirements: Converts on valid Credit Card Submit. Offer converts on completed $1 Trial

You need to provide an email proof or a placement before you start running the offer. Conversions without an email proof or a placement will be rejected

No Adult traffic
No Bots 
No Content Locking
No Coreg
No Duplicate traffic allowed
No Fraud
No iFrame
• No Incent
No Proxy or VPN
No Spam

Target: 25+ Male and Female

- Monday - Friday Only
- Shoot time: 9AM-5PM Only
- NO TRAFFIC ON WEEKEND (Saturday-Sunday) - Weekend leads are not payable! 


AdsMain is a CPA based affiliate network and management platform dedicated to maximizing revenue generation for both advertisers and publishers. To guarantee quality, all offers are tested by AdsMain through PPC, eMail and contextual channels before they are listed on the network. AdsMain negotiates their deals direct with advertisers and guarantees maximum payouts to affiliates.

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