Rewardis Multigeo iPhone 15 Pro (Android) - Facebook&Instagram Traffic [IN] - SOI registration

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Rewardis Multigeo iPhone 15 Pro (Android) - Facebook&Instagram Traffic [IN] - SOI registration
Payout: $0.05 / CPA
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Sweepstakes / Lead Gen
Network: Zeydoo
Last Updated: Jul 06, 2024
Countries: IN
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Rewardis Multigeo iPhone 15 Pro (Android) - Facebook&Instagram Traffic [IN] - SOI registration

Offer ID: 13020

Welcome new Rewardis - native network traffic! Answer all of the questions and get a real chance to win iPhone 15 Pro. To participate the user will need to leave their name and email address. flow: SOI registration Offer is available under EN, ES, PT, ID, TH, VI, MS, BD, FR & PH languages Facebook traffic is welcome! Use your FB Pixel in var_3={facebookpixel_ID} in your tracking link to enable this option

Countries: IN


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