Offer Details: | |
Offer Name: | Triff-mich-heute - Desktop [DE] SOI |
Payout: | €2.50 / cpl |
Preview: | Preview Landing Page |
Categories: | Dating - Casual |
Network: | Cpamatica |
Last Updated: | Dec 11, 2024 |
Countries: | DE |
no incentivised Traffic
no Brand Bidding
no Co-Reg
no SEM
no PopUnder Traffic (if you use pre-landers, PopUnder Traffic is fine)
males 18+
All new publishers are capped at 100 leads/day until the advertiser can assess quality. If you go over this cap you risk forfeiting those commissions. Speak with your AM if you wish for the cap to be setup in our system, if not you are expected to control on your end.