Curcumin - Total Health Formula [US] (Email,Native,Social,Banner,Search,SEO) - CPA {No Brand Bidding}

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Curcumin - Total Health Formula [US] (Email,Native,Social,Banner,Search,SEO) - CPA {No Brand Bidding}
Payout: $85.00 / cpa
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Health
Network: SmartAdv
Last Updated: Dec 22, 2024
Countries: US
Run Offer
Curcumin - Total Health Formula [US] (Email,Native,Social,Banner,Search,SEO) - CPA {No Brand Bidding}
US Only Converts on Sale Allowed: Native, Social, Email, Banner, PPC, Search, SEO ***Restrictions*** NO BIDDING ON THE FOLLOWING BRANDED TERMS: Manna, Manna Curcumin, Liposomal Curcumin, Manna Liposomal Curcumin and and other brand terms Email Traffic: -Company sending has to be identifiable, even if it's an overseas company. Can be findable through WHOIS, or company name and address in footer of email has to be searchable, findable, and a real company + real address. -NO domain spoofing. -No GI email allowed. Only email traffic to TOP LEVEL and cable domains is allowed (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, Cox, Time Warner, etc.) -NO brokering to any networks is allowed **ONLY WHITE HAT** The following Media Types are NOT ALLOWED: - Co-Reg - Survey - Pop under - Branded-terms - Incentivized - Network **DO NOT SAY** - Curcumin will cure diseases -Curcumin is 100% effective etc


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