Offer Details: | |
Offer Name: | Shein (DE) (CPL) (Personal Approval) |
Payout: | €1.70 / fixed |
Preview: | Preview Landing Page |
Categories: | CC Submit / Coupons/Gift Cards/Prizes / Desktop |
Network: | AdsMain |
Last Updated: | Dec 21, 2024 |
Countries: | DE |
Description: Shein
Requirements: Finish signup form
Allowed Methods of Promotion: display, pop-under, site under, social (Facebook)
Restrictions: P2P networking, file sharing web pages, pornographic/sexual content, political content/web pages, religious content/web pages, web pages with depiction of violence and/or terrorism-related content or content which glorifies violence, cashback web pages, incentivized traffic
Creative approval is required before launch