Hello Gamers (IQ)

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Hello Gamers (IQ)
Payout: $0.32 / cpa 2 clicks
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Mobile Content
Network: MobItEasy
Last Updated: Dec 23, 2024
Countries: IQ
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Hello Gamers (IQ)
non-billableiOS, Android and Windows phone Restrictions: No misleading banners or deceptive titles. No IQ Test, Love Meter, Spin Wheel, or any misleading techniques to redirect the user to the landing page. No incent traffic, virtual currency or content locking traffic. Prelander that cannot be closed or popups again after closed is prohibited. SMS traffic, WhatsApp traffic, Email traffic, VIRAL traffic, eg “share with 10 contacts.” or “tag 10 friends.” are not allowed. DO NOT allow Adult traffic. Do not allow immediate opt out user traffic (user terminate service twice times per day). Strictly no auto sub, fraud, misleading case and iframe. Do not use carriers logo on creative or saying carrier is promoting the offer. Do not have anything related Sexy, Islamic, Gamble and Illegal Activities. Y ou must use the provided banners or seek approval from us if you want to use your own. No instant virus & instant winner. No adult hardcore creative. All banners, Text, pre-lander must be approved in advance.


Mobiteasy is a leading affiliate network, which offers to its partners profitable programs with high commissions, regular payments, free registration, high-quality marketing tools and professional support.
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Flexible payment terms and personal conditions for top publishers
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