Social network Mix (prelander) [ES] - CPI

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Social network Mix (prelander) [ES] - CPI
Payout: $1.79 / CPA
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: App / Install / Mobile
Network: Zeydoo
Last Updated: Dec 23, 2024
Countries: ES
Run Offer
Social network Mix (prelander) [ES] - CPI

Offer ID: 16577

Tired of optimizations and caps in social networks offers? Look no further. Meet the unique Social network Mix created for WW click traffic no cap. We built in the top CR prelander and kept the smart rotation behind it for your best results. Postback fires with SOI event.

Countries: ES


⚡️ Zeydoo is a CPA Network with 10+ in-house products

→ Unlimited Caps, Regular Payments
→ Multi-Vertical Smartlink
→ Worldwide Coverage
→ 3+ Years Offers’ Lifespan

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