Insurance - Select My Policy Health Insurance US - SOI (open cap) 25+ weekdays from 5am PST - 5PM PST only

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Insurance - Select My Policy Health Insurance US - SOI (open cap) 25+ weekdays from 5am PST - 5PM PST only
Payout: $5.65 / cpa
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Insurance
Network: The Lead Wolves
Last Updated: Dec 08, 2024
Countries: US
Run Offer
Insurance - Select My Policy Health Insurance US - SOI (open cap) 25+ weekdays from 5am PST - 5PM PST only has the best converting long form insurance offers in the marketplace. The site is built for speed and the form is very easy to complete. Offer converts on a completed form submit. Publishers are required to only send leads on weekdays from 5am PST - 5PM PST. Publishers may use their own creative but must be approved prior to going live. Any unauthorized creative found to be in use will be blocked and will not be paid for. Age Targeted: 25+ Invalid leads are considered: Duplicate, fraudulent, incentivized, survey, sweepstakes, giveaway, never requested quote, wrong phone number, disconnected phone number, language barrier, test lead, lied on application. Search traffic is allowed, however, the publisher may not bid on trademark terms including any insurance company's name, domain name, or any misspelling of the company's name and domain name.

The Lead Wolves

The Lead Wolves is an industry leading Exclusive Affiliate Marketing Network, with a focus on performance based campaigns in the biggest verticals. Only the best is good enough for our partners and that is how we make the perfect match between our top converting offers and high-quality traffic.

The Lead Wolves holds a lot of experience within the affiliate marketing industry, both on the advertiser and on the affiliate side. We use our extensive knowledge to help you get the best results. Thanks to our customer service-oriented approach, we satisfy our partners with custom solutions that give them the opportunity to stand out against the competition. Our mission is to always provide our partners with the right deal at the right time in this fast-moving industry.

The unique perseverance of our Wolves makes us the perfect partner you are looking for!

We are excited to welcome you to our pack!

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