Herpesyl | CPA | [All GEO - except Canada] | Product Sale | Budget CAP Apply | Email, Display, Native, Social Traffic Allowed (non incent, no sms, no Co-reg)
Offer Details: |
Offer Name: |
Herpesyl | CPA | [All GEO - except Canada] | Product Sale | Budget CAP Apply | Email, Display, Native, Social Traffic Allowed (non incent, no sms, no Co-reg)
Payout: |
$44.63 /
Preview: |
Preview Landing Page
Categories: | Health & Beauty |
Network: |
ClicksAdv, LLC
Last Updated: | Mar 13, 2025 |
Countries: |
Run Offer
The only 100% natural blend that targets the real cause of outbreaks, and weakens and destroys the herpes virus through a perfect combination of 26 carefully mixed plant extracts and vitamins into an easy to swallow capsule to be taken once a day. Pixel fires upon sale.
Conversion Point: Pixel fire on Sale
Traffic - Email, Display, Native, Social Traffic Allowed
No Incent
No Co-reg
Placements for Display, Native, Social Must Be Approved Prior To Testing
**Note* Please use stock creatives from our portal. If you plan to use custom creatives, approval is required before sending traffic.
Budget CAP Ask AM
* No Incentivized, General Internet or path traffic allowed. No re-brokering of offer to third party networks. No bidding on third party branded company names or product terms.
* Only approved assets may be used to promote campaigns, unless explicitly approved in advance.
* Suppression files must be downloaded and used before every send.
* Publisher must follow the CAN-SPAM compliance guidelines as defined by FTC.
* If marketing the offer via email, publisher must use two valid opt-out mechanisms. Including one for the advertiser.
* Use of deceptive from lines including friendly from and subject lines is strictly prohibited.
Net 30 payment terms
All email affiliates must download and process campaign-specific suppression files before starting any live sends to this campaign. After the initial download/processing of the suppression file, this should be continued on a weekly basis whilst active traffic is being sent to the campaign. Failure to follow these terms will result in penalties and/or suspension from the network.