2700 - Celiac Disease

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Offer Name: 2700 - Celiac Disease
Payout: $131.25 / cpa
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Categories: Clinical Trials
Network: ClicksAdv, LLC
Last Updated: May 19, 2024
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2700 - Celiac Disease
Live Geos: https://partners.subjectwell.com/publishers/geos_report/6e7a95d1-e178-4bc7-b635-ff29958f5eff Ages: 18-70 Gender: All **ALL COPY AND CREATIVE OUTSIDE OF WHAT IS IN THE CREATIVE FOLDER MUST BE SENT TO [email protected] FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO GOING LIVE - IF NOT, YOU RISK NOT BEING PAID FOR YOUR LEADS* Study Description: This study is testing an investigational medication for Celiac Disease. Participants will receive 3 intravenous (IV) infusions of either the study medication or a placebo over a one-week timeframe. You will be monitored for 4 hours at the clinic after every infusion. Additional procedures include vital signs, physical exams, ECG, blood and urine collection, daily questionnaires about celiac symptoms, 4 gluten challenges and up to 2 upper endoscopies with biopsies. Total participation will last approximately 13 months and would include 10 doctor’s visits. Eligibility for the study will be determined by the study doctor following one or more in-person screening visits to the clinic. The clinical staff will need your medical records to confirm your celiac disease diagnosis. This includes both blood tests for positive antibodies (serology tests like TTG IgA or other similar tests) as well as pathology reports from biopsies taken during an upper endoscopy. Please make sure you have access to these reports so that the study team can review them. Study-related procedures and study medication are covered at no cost to you. Participants who qualify may be compensated for time and reasonable expenses such as travel, parking, and meals. Qualifications: - Diagnosis of celiac disease must be confirmed through both a small intestinal biopsy and a blood test - Must be on a gluten-free diet for 1 year or longer - Cannot have type 1 diabetes

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