Pezetita CPL MX

Offer Details:

Offer Name: Pezetita CPL MX
Payout: $3.47 / cpl
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Network: LeadBit
Last Updated: Dec 23, 2024
Countries: MX
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Pezetita CPL MX


Pixel- yes helps you get the money you need. We work with all types of clients. Financial Credit Institutions and RAI do not matter. Credits without payroll. Loans From 0%

Pezetita is a free service to obtain a loan online. Benefits: Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; Pezetita does not charge for mediation. For this offer are prohibited: Brand Context AD, Doorways, Rebrokering, Incent traffic, ClickUnder/PopUnder/PopUp, cashback, direct links from search engines and any advertising networks. The use of a brand name, including misspellings of the brand name in combination with other words. Affiliates using them will be blocked. It is forbidden to make groups on social networks on behalf of the advertiser and use the name of the offer in the domain name. It is forbidden to use false information about the company's products (interest rate, loan decision-making time, payment methods, commissions), promote the company through coupons, offers, promotions or discounts that have not been approved by the advertiser. Keep in mind! It is forbidden to impersonate a representative or employee of the Pezetita company, or compare it negatively with other companies, mention other trademarks without prior authorization. Lead validity criteria: Webmaster trial orders are not paid. Valid email and phone numbers



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