Stress-Free Meal Planning - 80% OFF Annual Subscription! | UK

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Offer Name: Stress-Free Meal Planning - 80% OFF Annual Subscription! | UK
Payout: 14.25% / Revenue Share
Preview: Preview Landing Page
Categories: Daily Deals & Coupons / Family, Life / Food & Drink
Network: PointClickTrack
Last Updated: Feb 19, 2025
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Stress-Free Meal Planning - 80% OFF Annual Subscription! | UK
New MealPlanner - Get 80% Off the Twelve Month Subscription! Take the hassle out of planning your meals. What’s included… - Plan meals to fit your diet, health goals or lifestyle - Search recipes by allergen, intolerance, or specific food exclusions - Select predefined diets e.g Keto, Paleo, Low carb… - Optimized for your budget and family preferences - Create shopping list and then shop the ingredients - View your macro nutrition ratios and targets


OUR FOCUS: We focus on being honest and straight-forward with each of our publishers. This lays the foundation of a great relationship built on trust and mutual respect. Which then provides our advertisers valuable, honest leads from a network they can trust. This philosophy has earned us a BBB approval rating.

OUR DRIVE: We are driven to provide valuable leads for our advertisers. You can help by bringing honest leads and traffic to our network. You’ll be rewarded for your quality leads.

OUR CONSISTENCY: We will pay you on time, every time. Boasting false payout claims is not our style. We are the best at paying consistently, on-time, every time, without fail.

OUR PLATFORM: Our Platform was built from the ground up in 2008. Every day we work to improve it and reshape it to our publishers’ needs. It is completely proprietary and we have full control over every ounce of code. This means we have the ability to adapt our platform to changes that publishers like you suggest.

You'll find superior tracking with as we utilize both cookie and cookie-less tracking methods.

OUR TOOLS: We Have The Best Tools in the biz. You’ll have access to our reporting tools; postback, multi-site postback and API. You’ll also get our Content-Monetizer; PointClick’s customizable widget for monetizing your website’s premium content. The Content Monetizer is customizable and can be configured for donation and/or virtual currency.

Our tools, just like our platform are not duplicates of existing standards. We strive to build unique, leading edge software customized to our publishers’ needs.

OUR SUPPORT: You will receive your very own affiliate manager when you sign up. Any time you call, message, or email, you’ll get the same representative.

OUR SECURITY: Fraudy Fraudsters never stop trying new ways to try to take advantage of networks. We are constantly developing new ways to catch and, moreover, prevent fraud. Remember, we built our platform,, from the ground up. We can upgrade, change and improve it as often as we need to. By giving Fraudy Fraudsters a constant moving target, we ensure our advertisers get the highest quality leads in the industry through the best security in the industry.

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