Offer Details: | |
Offer Name: | - Mobile/Desktop [LK] SOI 30+ |
Payout: | $0.31 / cpl |
Preview: | Preview Landing Page |
Categories: | Dating - Mainstream |
Network: | Cpamatica |
Last Updated: | Dec 21, 2024 |
Countries: | LK |
The offer works for English-speaking users.
Conversion point: user needs to register.
Allowed Devices: mobile, desktop, tablet.
Recommended traffic: seo, smm, search advertising (with key words restrictions), web display, social networks advertising, native ad networks.
Restrictions: spam, push, doorway pages, incentive, sms, fraud, toolbar traffic, craiglist, coregistrations, email traffic, viral traffic, brand bidding, torrent, no traffic from other affiliate networks without a written approval in advance.
In case of using any of these methods to promote our offers, all your conversions will be declined and your account deactivated.