Asthma Live Geos:
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[email protected] for approval
Ages: 18-80
Gender: Any
Compensation Available
Study Description:
This study is testing an investigational injectable medication for asthma. Participants will receive 7 doses of either the study medication or placebo for approximately 6 months. Additional procedures include breathing assessments, medication administration, ECG, and laboratory tests. Total participation will last approximately 9 months and would include 9 doctor’s visits throughout the study. Eligibility for the study will be determined by the study doctor following one or more in-person screening visits to the clinic. Trial-related procedures and study medication will be provided at no cost.
- Must have asthma for >1 year
- Must be taking oral corticosteroids (i.e., pills, tablets) for your asthma. Commonly used oral steroids are prednisone, prednisolone, and dexamethasone.
- Must be taking an oral corticosteroid for 6 months +
- Use a daily inhaler to treat your asthma that is not a rescue inhaler. Albuterol is considered a rescue inhaler.
- No current smokers
- Cannot also have: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Pulmonary fibrosis or cystic fibrosis, or Lung cancer
- Cannot have had you had bronchial thermoplasty in the last 3 years